Showing posts with the label China

The Ice Caves That Never Melt, Even In Summer

Apr 26, 2018

In the mountains of the Shanxi province in China, is the country’s biggest ice cave—an 85-meter deep bowling pin shaped subterranean structu...

The Ruins of Western Xia’s Imperial Tombs

Apr 6, 2018

About 30 kilometers to the west of the modern city of Yinchuan, lies the enormous burial complex of the Western Xia dynasty. Spread over 40 ...

The Ruins of St. Paul's Church, Macau

Mar 1, 2018

The city of Macau in Southern China might be best known for its casinos and luxury hotels, but its most treasured icon is actually a church,...

The Rocks That Give Birth

Feb 12, 2018

In the Freita mountain range in northern Portugal, close to a village called Castanheira, is a huge block of granite that periodically eject...

Yaodong: China’s Pit Houses

Jan 30, 2018

For more than four thousand years, on the Loess Plateau in northern China, people have been residing in caves known as yaodong, which is Chi...

Rainbow Colored Mountains

Jan 27, 2018

Soil is typically brown, but when mixed with the right minerals in right quantities, it can yield a fascinating range of colors. You can see...

Tianducheng: A Fake Paris in China

Jan 20, 2018

These two photographs of the Eiffel Tower look very similar, but they aren’t the same, which you can probably tell from their different surr...

The Floating Fish Farms of China

Oct 14, 2017

In the sheltered coastal waters of the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea, there are large fish farms whe...

The Mystery of The Longyou Caves

Jul 8, 2017

In 1992, a strangely curious man named Wu Anai, near the Chinese village of Shiyan Beicun in Longyou County, based on a hunch, began to pump...

The Moving Facade of Bund Finance Center, Shanghai

Jun 13, 2017

A new financial quarter is being built near the waterfront of Shanghai's old town. Designed by British architectural firms, Foster + Par...