Showing posts with the label Caves

The Jews of Verteba Cave

Jul 3, 2024

In the early 1940s, when the Nazi government began systematically hunting down Jewish people, many Jews across Europe sought refuge to avoid...

The Cave of Swimmers

Jan 14, 2021

Thousands of years ago, the Sahara was surprisingly green with rich vegetation, trees and lakes that covered almost all of what is now sandy...

Hells Bells

Jan 11, 2021

Deep down El Zapote cenote, a 50-meter-deep water-filled sinkhole in Quintana Roo, Mexico, on the Yucatan Peninsula, stalactites take a diff...

The Hellfire Club And Caves

Dec 12, 2019

Throughout history men have formed clandestine clubs where rich young aristocrats met and indulged in drunken orgies, gambling and carousing...

The Caves of Maresha And Bet-Guvrin

Jan 25, 2019

The Shfela lowlands in south-central Israel, at the foot of the Judaean Mountains, is characterized by a thick layer of soft chalk that was ...

The Salt Mining Elephants of Mount Elgon

Nov 26, 2018

Large herbivores such as elephants often seek out natural mineral deposits such as rocks and soil to supplement their dietary intake of sod...

The Kome Cave Houses And Cannibalism

Jun 19, 2018

Photo credit: Amada44/Wikimedia These smooth walled, well maintained, igloo-shaped mud houses near the village of Mateka, in Lesotho, beli...

The Ice Caves That Never Melt, Even In Summer

Apr 26, 2018

In the mountains of the Shanxi province in China, is the country’s biggest ice cave—an 85-meter deep bowling pin shaped subterranean structu...

Why Dogs Can’t Stand ‘The Cave of Dogs’

Mar 27, 2018

In the west of Naples, Italy, is a large volcanic area called Phlegraean Fields filled with craters of old, extinguished volcanoes. Lying mo...

Yaodong: China’s Pit Houses

Jan 30, 2018

For more than four thousand years, on the Loess Plateau in northern China, people have been residing in caves known as yaodong, which is Chi...

The Soledar Salt Mines

Jan 9, 2018

Some 250 million years ago, a part of Ukraine was under a shallow ocean. When the ocean dried up, it left behind a huge deposit of salt whic...

The Rock Houses That Inspired Tolkien

Oct 28, 2017

In 1777, a certain Joseph Heely of Birmingham published a guide book to the three great West Midland gardens of the mid-18th century with a ...

The Mystery of The Longyou Caves

Jul 8, 2017

In 1992, a strangely curious man named Wu Anai, near the Chinese village of Shiyan Beicun in Longyou County, based on a hunch, began to pump...

Operation Tracer: The Secret Plan To Bury Soldiers Alive Inside The Rock Of Gibraltar

Jun 15, 2017

The great limestone monolith called the Rock of Gibraltar, towering over the small British overseas territory near the southwestern tip of E...

The Underground Homes of Matmata, Tunisia

May 23, 2017

A lot of communities around the world, particularly those in hot climates, traditionally live in caves to escape the heat. The Berbers of Ma...

Japanese Holdouts: The Soldiers Who Wouldn’t Surrender

Mar 21, 2017

Emperor Hirohito’s announcement of Japan’s surrender at the end of the Second Word War came as a blessed relief to millions of Japanese who ...

The Mysterious Caynton Caves

Mar 10, 2017

What appears to be an ordinary rabbit hole in a farmer's field is actually the humble entrance to a large underground cave whose origins...

Gilmerton Cove of Edinburg

Dec 21, 2016

Just a few meters beneath the streets of Gilmerton, an ex-mining village on the southern edge of the city of Edinburgh, in Scotland, lies a ...

The Hell’s Bells of Cenote Zapote

Nov 17, 2016

Deep below the surface, inside the water filled caverns of Cenote Zapote in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, stalactites grow into strange sh...

The Forgotten Tunnel Under Naples Filled With Vintage Cars

Oct 17, 2016

One hundred and fifty meters from the large public square of Piazza del Plebiscito in central Naples, Italy, is an entrance that descends ab...