Showing posts with the label History

Karl von Drais And The Laufmaschine

Mar 21, 2024

In April 1815, Mount Tambora on the island of Sumbawa in present-day Indonesia, erupted with a violence never seen before in recorded histor...

Watch 1505: The World's First Watch

Mar 19, 2024

In 1987, during a school trip to London, a watchmaker apprentice stumbled upon a rare find at an antique flea market. Concealed within a box...

Dhunge Dhara: Nepal’s 1,600-Year-Old Drinking Water Fountains

Mar 16, 2024

The tiny country of Nepal, nestled between India and Tibet, boasts of a very robust drinking water supply system that dates back to at least...

The Osoaviakhim-1 Disaster

Mar 13, 2024

Between 1930 and 1932, Swiss scientist Auguste Piccard made more than two dozen trips to the upper atmosphere using a balloon of his design...

Horizontal Collaboration: Sleeping With The Enemy

Mar 7, 2024

The historic D-Day landing by Allied forces on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944, marked the beginning of a crucial phase in World War...

John Stringfellow And The World's First Powered Flight

Mar 5, 2024

In 1842, British engineers William Samuel Henson and John Stringfellow received a patent for a flying machine. Unlike previous attempts made...

Antimony Pill: The Everlasting Pill

Feb 29, 2024

Antimony—the soft, lustrous gray metal—has many industrial uses such as in the preparation of flame-retarding compounds and in the manufactu...

The Killer Whales of Eden

Feb 26, 2024

The Thaua people, who reside around Twofold Bay on the South Coast of New South Wales, Australia, share a special bond with killer whales or...

Xerxes Canal

Feb 21, 2024

The Athos peninsula in northeastern Greece, that juts into the Aegean Sea for some 50 kilometers, was once bisected by a canal a hundred fee...

Olivier Levasseur’s Lost Treasure

Feb 20, 2024

On the 7th of July 1730, the notorious French pirate, Olivier Levasseur, faced his final moments on the scaffold. His crimes, which had inst...