The Singapore Stone

Oct 31, 2023

At the mouth of the Singapore River, at a promontory known variously as Rocky Point and Artillery Point, there once stood a massive boulder ...

A Piece of Sputnik in Manitowoc, Wisconsin

Oct 30, 2023

In the early 1960s, before the Soviets sent Yuri Gagarin to space, they began their Vostok programme with a series of unmanned test flight...

Holmdel Horn Antenna: Where The Big Bang Was Discovered

Oct 26, 2023

Physicists and astronomers believe that the universe began with the Big Bang—a cataclysmic event that occurred roughly 13 billion years ago ...

The Warsaw Radio Mast

Oct 24, 2023

Some radio transmitters are built to great heights in order to reach audiences far and wide. In fact, nine out of ten structures taller than...

Rozabal Shrine: The Tomb of Jesus

Oct 23, 2023

In the Khanyar area of Kashmir, India, in downtown Srinagar, there is an old shrine—a modest stone building with a traditional Kashmiri mult...

How A Dog Saved Darwin From Bombing

Oct 19, 2023

Throughout history, animals have held significant roles in wars and conflicts. Cavalry horses were deployed to charge the enemy, pigeons con...

Arthur John Priest: The Unsinkable Stoker

Oct 18, 2023

If there was anyone on board the Titanic that truly deserved the title “unsinkable” it was a coal stoker named Arthur John Priest, who surv...

Adrian Carton de Wiart: The Most Battle-Scarred Soldier

Oct 13, 2023

No one who has been touched by war has emerged from the experience unchanged. In the case of Adrian Carton de Wiart, who had participated in...

The Shipwrecks of Fylde Coast

Oct 10, 2023

The Fylde coast in western Lancashire have seen some of the foulest weather in England’s northwest coast. The area around Blackpool is in pa...

F60 Overburden Conveyor Bridge: The Horizontal Eiffel Tower

Oct 9, 2023

About 60 km north of Dresden, in Lichterfeld-Schacksdorf in Lower Lusatia, Brandenburg, Germany, lies a steel behemoth. It’s a gigantic over...