Bachem Ba 349 Natter: Germany’s Strangest Aircraft From World War 2
World War II led to the creation of some truly bizarre and unconventional aircraft as nations scrambled to gain a technological edge. Among ...
World War II led to the creation of some truly bizarre and unconventional aircraft as nations scrambled to gain a technological edge. Among ...
In 1863, German-American inventor and engineer Julius Hermann Kroehl founded the Pacific Pearl Company with the goal of profiting from pearl...
In the midst of war, when nations are locked in bitter conflict, cooperation seems unimaginable. Yet, history offers surprising instances wh...
At quarter past seven on the morning of March 23, 1918, the people of Paris were jolted by a powerful explosion near the Quai de la Seine. F...
At the German Armed Forces Museum of Military History in Dresden, there is a big fat iron submarine on display. Built in 1850, this pioneeri...
On March 6, 1915, a large crowd gathered at Schwarzenbergplatz in Vienna for the unveiling of a new monument—a wooden depiction of a medieva...
Throughout history, weather has played a significant role in military campaigns, sometimes altering its course and reshaping the destiny of ...
In April 1815, Mount Tambora on the island of Sumbawa in present-day Indonesia, erupted with a violence never seen before in recorded histor...
In 1987, during a school trip to London, a watchmaker apprentice stumbled upon a rare find at an antique flea market. Concealed within a box...
In the Wannsee district of Berlin, Germany, there is a brief bridge spanning the Havel River, connecting the German capital to Potsdam. Hist...