Showing posts with the label History

The Sinking of U-boat 864

Nov 9, 2023

During World War II, German U-boats wrought havoc upon Allied supply lines and commercial shipping inflicting heavy losses on merchant convo...

The Building That Gave Its Residents Leukemia

Nov 1, 2023

Building number 7 on Gvardeytsiv Kantemirovtsiv street (now known as Mariyi Pryimachenko Street) in Kramatorsk, Ukraine, was the most recent...

The Singapore Stone

Oct 31, 2023

At the mouth of the Singapore River, at a promontory known variously as Rocky Point and Artillery Point, there once stood a massive boulder ...

How A Dog Saved Darwin From Bombing

Oct 19, 2023

Throughout history, animals have held significant roles in wars and conflicts. Cavalry horses were deployed to charge the enemy, pigeons con...

Arthur John Priest: The Unsinkable Stoker

Oct 18, 2023

If there was anyone on board the Titanic that truly deserved the title “unsinkable” it was a coal stoker named Arthur John Priest, who surv...

Adrian Carton de Wiart: The Most Battle-Scarred Soldier

Oct 13, 2023

No one who has been touched by war has emerged from the experience unchanged. In the case of Adrian Carton de Wiart, who had participated in...

Boynton’s Bicycle Railroad

Oct 6, 2023

For a brief two years during the 1890s, there was a rail service between Gravesend and Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. The railway was u...

Pakistan’s Century-Old Horse-Drawn Train

Oct 4, 2023

In 1903, a famous social activist named Ganga Ram established a unique mode of transport in his village in Faisalabad, Pakistan. It was a tr...

MS Hans Hedtoft: Denmark’s Titanic

Oct 3, 2023

Nearly five decades after the sinking of the Titanic , another tragedy struck in the oceans. A Danish liner was on her maiden voyage off the...

William Rankin: The Man Who Fell Through a Thundercloud

Oct 2, 2023

Lieutenant Colonel William Henry Rankin gently pulled back the stick of his F-8 Crusader to put the single-engine supersonic fighter jet on ...